This article was written by Daphne Tomlinson of Tomlinson Business Research. The announcement this month that the Swiss elevator manufacturer, Schindler was partnering with GE Digital, is further confirmation of the trend for building technology suppliers to establish IoT alliances with IT service and software companies. Schindler’s competitors – ThyssenKrupp, Kone and Otis – have all been undertaking similar partnerships with IBM and Microsoft. According to the press release, GE’s Predix platform will enable Schindler’s personnel to proactively and predictively identify, analyze and resolve possible service issues before they happen, reducing and eliminating downtime and improving the experience for users and customers. ThyssenKrupp Elevators, one of the top three companies in the sector with €7.2B revenues in 2015 and a 13% global share of the €51 billion market, was first off the block to deliver an IoT approach to the elevator service business. “We needed to be able to deploy quickly and globally with a […]