Data Lakes
Cross-Compatible Data Ontologies to Create a Smarter Buildings Market
August 5th, 2022Market Fragmentation & the “Uber-ization” of Facilities Management – Charles Reed Anderson
November 29th, 2019“Without Investment in Infrastructure the Data Revolution will be Slow, if it Takes Place at All”
Buildings and cities around the world are embracing the Internet of Things (IoT). Intelligent devices are being applied for greater efficiency and performance, while a multitude of sensors gather data on everything and anything. Greater IoT adoption does not simply come down to the addition of more devices and sensors in more buildings however; a […]
“The Problem is the Disconnect Between Building Construction and Operation”
“If you look at the fundamental problem in the industry, there is really a disconnect between [building] construction and operation,” stated James Lee during a Memoori webinar last week. “Financial interest of developers, engineers and contractors are not really in alignment with long-term owners and occupants,” he continued. Lee believes this lack of transparency in […]
Fishing for Actionable Intelligence in our Rapidly Growing Data Lakes
With the advent of the internet of things, the amount of data being collected around the world is growing exponentially. We are collecting data with a current need in mind, we are collecting for future purposes and we are collecting it just to have it, in case we find a way to use it later. […]