
Smart Buildings

Utilities Invest in Energy Software & Services for Commercial Buildings

January 11th, 2016

Fortune’s Conference Highlights Commercial Internet of Things Energy Savings

October 9th, 2015
Smart Buildings

“Turning Entire Cities into Virtual Power Plants” with Opower & FirstFuel

Just 2 months after the signing of a strategic partnership between energy intelligence and software firms Opower and FirstFuel, the companies claim to be feeling the benefits already. The partnership signed in September this year, brought together Opower, who provide cloud-based software for the utility industry, and FirstFuel Software, provider of commercial energy intelligence. Combined, […]


The US Home Automation Market is up for Grabs in 2013

Home Automation and Energy Management has failed to get off the ground over the years after many false dawns. But during 2012 Home Automation and Energy Management have moved forward and the interfacing of these services within the wider Home Area Network looks set to become the major synergistic force in the future as it […]

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