Evaluating IoT Cloud Platforms in the Context of Smart Buildings
April 1st, 2019Building Greater Efficiency into the Construction Industry
January 5th, 2018What Physical Security Customers Want Today & Need in the Future
This is the second of a two part article that analyses what the customer of physical security equipment wants today and what they needs in the future. In the first article we discussed the customers needs today operating within the 2 main development stages of physical security equipment that have taken place in the last […]
The Smart Grid Industry Continues to get itself into Shape but some Major Obstacles Remain
The Smart Grid business through acquisitions, alliances and funding continues to develop at a hectic pace and surprisingly, has not slowed down in July despite the fact that the holiday season has now got into full swing. All the evidence shows that the business continues to be very upbeat and confident about its future growth […]
Smart Grid – The Renaissance of the World’s Electrical Transmission & Distribution Industry
At the start of the last decade throughout the world’s developed countries, the electrical transmission and distribution network was pretty much moribund. A static market serviced by a few great names from its illustrious past consolidated to a rigid core; a cash cow that would nevertheless survive for a long time yet. But in the […]