Routes to Market


Allegion Annual Report 2021 Examined

February 21st, 2022

Contract Security Services or ‘Security as a Service’?

March 15th, 2021

The Impact of IoT & VSaaS on Video Surveillance Routes To Market

Our latest report on the World Market for Physical Security shows that over the last 10 years a steady increase in the share of video surveillance equipment being traded through the Systems Integrator route to market, when analysed through 5 different channels of distribution. During this time a number of significant changes have taken place […]

Smart Buildings

How Valuable is the Channel in Smart Building Technology?

In the midst of increased M&A activity in the smart building space, it is natural to consider the implications to building owners, operators and other competing solution providers. Do these acquisitions mean that smart building technology is maturing and has “arrived”. Or, were these acquisitions made opportunistically? It’s hard to know, and the answers may […]

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