Tempered Networks
Johnson Controls Business and 2022 Financials Examined
November 17th, 2022Mapping the Strategic Direction of Johnson Controls – Part 2
October 3rd, 2022
IT Accelerates its Colonization of OT As Resistance Diminishes
The Internet of Things (IoT) is forcing the worlds of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) together as new environments like smart buildings link their OT systems to the information super-highway. The convergence of OT and IT is not a smooth one, however, issues surrounding business structure, skills shortages, data silos, cyber security and […]

Penn State Applies Microsegmentation for Openness & Security of Building Automation
Penn State needs no introduction as an academic institution. Founded in 1855 it has maintained a strong reputation in the US college system. From a facilities management perspective, however, some might not know that the institution is fast becoming a role model for what can be achieved with the internet of things (IoT) in a […]