Trump Administration
US-China Trade War Continues To Polarize the Physical Security Market
December 6th, 2022Securing the Security of the Global Physical Security Market
March 22nd, 2022
Will Biden Inauguration Mark a Turning Point for the Smart Buildings Market?
Today Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president of the US, marking the end of the Trump administration. During four years in office, Trump reversed more than 100 environmental regulations, dismantling major climate policies, and rolling back numerous green policies, including many that sought to bring about efficiency in our buildings. This […]

Will The Global Lighting Industry Suffer from US-China Trade War?
US President, Donald Trump, had been complaining about Chinese trading practices, even before he took office in 2016, claiming an “unfair deal” for the US. In 2017, the Trump administration imposed tariffs on billions of dollars worth of Chinese products, triggering a tit-for-tat, or tariff-for-tariff, trade war. Such disputes between major economies have a global […]

Study Finds That Exxon Mislead the public on Climate Change, Concerning the Smart Tech Sector
A Harvard study released last Wednesday, August 23rd, has accused oil giant Exxon Mobil of misleading the public during the past 40 years, over the causes and implications of climate change. This new comprehensive study, alongside US president Donald Trump’s long history of disregarding human influence on climate change, casts doubt over US government and […]

Our Energy Future Is Not Just Green And Renewable – It Is Also Urban And Smart
Even moderate UN projections suggest that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s, we will need the equivalent resources of two Earths to support us – or maybe just one smart one. The current world population of 7.3 billion is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 according […]

We Need To Talk About Artificial Intelligence
On the 11th of May 1997 Chess enthusiasts watched World Chess champion Garry Kasparov lose the sixth and final match of a novel but symbolic series. Kasparov lost this deciding match in just 19 moves against the IBM’s Deep Blue computer in New York. For many is was the first sign that computers would one […]

How Important is Environmental Responsibility for the Smart Tech Sector?
“The environmental movement is, in my view, the greatest threat to freedom and prosperity in the modern world,” states to Myron Ebell, an adviser to the US president Donald Trump’s administration. Ebell said US voters had rejected what he dubbed the “expertariat” and said there was no doubt that Trump thinks that climate change is […]

Redefining Video Surveillance Business Models to Meet New Challenges
The last two years has seen a slowing down in revenue growth from the world’s video surveillance business, whilst at the same time the supply structure has become unbalanced. Two Chinese companies Hikvivion and Dahua, not regarded as serious competitors by most suppliers only six years ago, now dominate the camera market. The major concern […]

Smart Trump? What The Next US President Means For Construction & Tech Sectors
“If we can reconceive of our government so that the interactions and the interplay between private sector, nonprofits, and government are opened up, and we use technology, data, social media in order to join forces around problems, then there’s no problem that we face in this country that is not solvable,” said incumbent US president […]