Voice Recognition


How will Biometric Access Control Impact the Future of Security?

November 9th, 2023
Smart Buildings

The Smart Home Presents Different Challenges for Technology

October 29th, 2018
Smart Cities

This is the House Alexa Built

You can buy almost every element of a smart home from Amazon so, “would it make sense that Amazon take it to the next level and simply start a construction company to build smart homes?” asked customer experience futurist, keynote speaker and author, Blake Morgan during a speech back in April. It is a topic […]

Smart Cities

Who Is The Internet Of Things Actually For?

“There is a clear philosophical position, even a worldview, behind [the internet of things]: that the world is in principle perfectly knowable, its contents enumerable and their relations capable of being meaningfully encoded in a technical system, without bias or distortion,’ highlights Adam Greenfield in his book entitled ‘Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life’. […]

Smart Cities

The Need for “Realness” in our Smart Cities and Buildings

“In a digital age in which everything is available everywhere all the time, where every experience can be delivered electronically and every technology of communication has been puréed into the same universal flow of infinitely reproducible 0s and 1s, the hottest growth is in the market for things: finite, imperfect, irreducibly physical. Rather like human […]

Smart Cities

Giving the Internet of Things a Voice

“I think the internet of things (IoT) means many different things to many people. Much of the time it’s no different to what we used to call machine-to-machine; it’s largely rebranding for something that never quite achieved its potential,” claims technology evangelist, serial entrepreneur and developer, Nick Hunn. Hunn is Chief Technology Officer at, wireless […]

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