

The Impact of AI on Energy Management Software for HVAC Optimization

October 15th, 2024
Smart Buildings

Mapping the Strategic Direction of Siemens in Smart Buildings 2024

August 12th, 2024
AI in Commercial Buildings
Smart Buildings

Major Players Put Their Weight Behind AI in Commercial Buildings

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) in commercial buildings is far-reaching, leading to a broad adoption landscape. The strategic positioning of key players in the AI market for commercial buildings is a critical aspect of understanding the current landscape and the future potential of AI. “Many large building automation firms are at the forefront of […]

Smart Buildings

Siemens Buildings Business & 2022 Financials Examined

In this Research Note, we examine the Buildings business of Siemens, which operates within the Smart Infrastructure (SI) division, based on their Q4 press conference, earnings release, investor presentations of 17th November 2022 and building technology-related activities throughout the year. SI revenue growth is being led by strength in the Electrical Products business, which reported […]

Smart Buildings

Mapping the Strategic Direction of Siemens in Smart Buildings – Part 2

This Research Note examines the emerging strategic priorities of Siemens in the smart commercial buildings space. We have mapped acquisitions, mergers, strategic partnerships and investment activity to ascertain the growth ambitions of the Siemens Smart Infrastructure division; categorizing the various business relationships by technology and investment type over a 3-year period. This article, part 2 of a 2-part analysis, is […]

Siemens Smart Infrastructure Buildings
Smart Buildings

Siemens Smart Infrastructure Invests in Software, Open Platforms & Co-Innovation

In this Research Note, we examine two significant initiatives for Siemens Buildings business, both announced in the last week of June 2022: the acquisition of Brightly Software by Siemens Smart Infrastructure (SI) and the launch of the Siemens Xcelerator platform for digital transformation, which enables co-creation and co-innovation with partners for their new Building X […]

Smart Buildings

Bringing Small Buildings into the Smart Buildings Market

The vast majority of buildings are small and not very smart, and it is their small size that limits their “intelligence” by restricting their access to smart building technology. A staggering 94% of US office space is housed in properties under 50,000 square feet, according to the latest data from Energy Star, and that proportion is […]

Smart Buildings

Siemens Buildings Business Q4 2021 Examined

In this research note, we examine the Buildings business of Siemens, which operates within the Smart Infrastructure (SI) division, based on their Q4 press conference, Capital Markets Day presentations and building technology-related activities throughout 2021. The SI portfolio addresses the complete value chain across buildings and electrification, increasingly growing together at the grid edge. Their smart building […]

Smart Buildings

BMS Vendors Address the Small to Mid-Sized Commercial Buildings Market

The leading building automation players are investing and partnering with startup companies who have developed lower cost solutions for the light commercial buildings market.  The latest example is the Siemens acquisition of French startup, Wattsense, which enables the leading player to address this market. The acquisition by the former Building Technologies business, part of Siemens Smart […]

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