Skills Shortage
Breaking the Shackles: Overcoming Resistance to Change in Smart Buildings
May 23rd, 2023MQTT & the Horizontal Approach to Managing Smart Buildings
August 26th, 2021Low Code & No Code Platforms Bringing Legacy Building Equipment Online
“Coding is fundamental to literacy in the future,” said Craig Federighi, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering. “We think coding should be required in every school because it’s as important as any kind of second language,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “In fifteen years we’ll be teaching programming just like reading and writing, and […]
The HVAC Industry Needs to Figure out a New Way to Attract Talent
Smart buildings represent our urban future but we will need a workforce with new skills to make that happen. Job opportunities in facilities management are at an all time high as adoption of smart systems increase. Those with strong abilities in the connected buildings systems space are in high demand, and command significant wages, while […]
IT Accelerates its Colonization of OT As Resistance Diminishes
The Internet of Things (IoT) is forcing the worlds of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) together as new environments like smart buildings link their OT systems to the information super-highway. The convergence of OT and IT is not a smooth one, however, issues surrounding business structure, skills shortages, data silos, cyber security and […]
“The Primacy of People & High-Quality User Experiences are Set to Dominate CRE Decision-Making”
Brexit, Brexit, Brexit… and Smart Buildings
Moving Past the Era of Underperformance to an Age of Better Building Construction
Why is the construction industry underperforming? The skills shortage is a reason for poor quality work and slow technology uptake, labor and material costs explain high rates for the customer, and each blames the previous link in the construction supply chain for whatever is going wrong. The time has come for the construction sector to […]
The Technology Keeps Evolving – The Skills Gap is Widening
The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) is taking place, driving us into the Data Age. Just as with steam power, electricity and computing, the impact of this data revolution will be felt across modern society as homes, buildings and workplaces adopt more intelligent, connected devices and systems. Just as with previous technological leaps, the rate of […]
Smart Building Industry Must Address Issues To Lay Stronger Foundations in 2019
As the smart building industry begins to settle into 2019 it should be cautious not to fall back into bad habits. Year after year, the industry faces three key issues that hold back growth and make it vulnerable. If the sector continues to neglect these three important factors it puts itself in danger of slow […]