
Smart Buildings

How Do We Get From Here To Intelligent Workplaces?

August 3rd, 2021
Smart Buildings

The Apps Behind the Post-COVID Workplace

July 1st, 2021
Smart Buildings

The Not So Long Road to Virtually Virus-Free Office Buildings

On an otherwise ordinary January lunchtime in the canteen of a car parts company in the small town of Stockdorf in Southern Germany, a worker turned to a colleague and asked them to pass the saltshaker, in return they got the salt and the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. This, according to German scientists, was the earliest […]


A History of Bad Office Lighting Must Make Way for a Human-Centric Future

“Every office I’ve ever worked in has had lighting that’s made me feel varying degrees of insane and depressed. To be clear, I’m not speaking specifically about the New York Magazine office lighting — our combo of LED overhead and natural light is not uniquely bad, but it is definitely bad in the way that […]

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