Smart Buildings

Demonstrating Smart Building Business Value Further Up The Chain

October 9th, 2019
Smart Buildings

Short-Termist Real Estate Mindsets Could Polarize Smart Building Landscape

July 11th, 2019

VSaaS & ACaaS Move into the Mainstream

VSaaS (Video Surveillance as a Service) and ACaaS (Access Control as a Service) services realized substantial growth in 2016 and now look set to finally achieve the much vaunted predictions made in previous years about their potential to become multi-billion markets. The global market size for VSaaS in 2013 was approximately $300m but since then […]

Smart Buildings

The Smart Buildings Sector Needs to Get Specific on ROI

In the end, it all comes down to return on investment (ROI), for smart buildings and most everything else. The promise of energy efficiency, better access control, greater comfort and environmental responsibility are all well and good, but to convince the majority of customers, the smart building sector needs to get specific on the returns […]

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