The energy landscape is changing. Compelled by climate change and supply reliability drivers, our power systems are trying to find ways to introduce stable, clean, and affordable power to homes, businesses, and institutions. However, the variability of renewable generation and distributed energy resources (DERs) leads to complexity and as these systems expand across progressive electricity systems around the world, we will face significant challenges. Our buildings, the major consumers in our traditional power systems, may provide the answer according to a recent paper. “Fortunately, advancing technologies open the prospect for more flexible management of building and facility energy loads to benefit occupants, owners, and the grid,” claims ‘Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings’ the state briefing paper for the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ (NARUC) Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings Working Group. The paper proposes that grid-interactive buildings (GEBs) present the ideal balancing force for the challenging evolution of the […]