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How did a UK electronics vendor successfully expand globally, compete against industry giants, and grow exports to over 40% of their business? In this podcast episode, John Davies, former Managing Director of TDSi, reveals some strategies that transformed a regional Access Control vendor into an international player. In our Podcast series “Sh*t You Wish Your […]
This Research Note looks in-depth at Deepki, a French ESG platform provider offering a SaaS solution that uses data intelligence to guide real estate players in their net-zero transition. We examine the maturing software startup, its external funding, acquisitions, and deployments, and provide our view on their business. Deepki Profile Co-founded in 2014 by CEO […]
This Research Note examines ButterflyMX, a New York City-based video intercom and access control systems provider founded in 2014. We highlight their product suite, external funding, deployments, acquisitions, and growth before providing our view of the company. ButterflyMX Product Suite ButterflyMX launched its smartphone-powered Video Intercom in 2014. Since then, ButterflyMX has scaled its product […]