There is a lot of money flowing into proptech but does that suggest a market bubble or just a few wild unicorns casting doubt on the rest of the herd? Those are the kind of questions being asked in the industry as the wildest unicorn of all – WeWork – reveals increasing signs of falling apart under the weight of its own unjustifiable valuation. The idea of WeWork being overvalued is nothing new to those in the industry. Long before the company reached its $47 billion valuation, there were doubts about the company’s ability to live up to its hype and survive a downturn. Those who believe WeWork’s valuation is justified, do so on the basis of the firm as the pioneer of a new era for work itself, one of innovation, collaboration, flexibility, and craft kombucha on tap. The $10 billion of investment from Softbank, led by the enigmatic Masayoshi Son, also creates an […]