

Access Control & Identity Management Withstand the Worst of COVID-19

January 6th, 2021
Smart Buildings

3 Rules of COVID-19 Workplaces: Flexibility, Flexibility, Flexibility

November 12th, 2020
Smart Buildings

Hub & Spoke Workplaces: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

It is over six months since we published our March 19th article — COVID-19, the World’s Biggest Remote Working Experiment is Underway — and the workplace is still in flux. Around the world, companies have one eye on bringing employees back to the office and the other on the potential of distributed workforces in the […]

Smart Buildings

New Post-COVID Building IoT Report Reveals Scale of the Crisis & Opportunity

“The lockdown will directly affect sectors amounting to up to one-third of GDP in the major economies. For each month of containment, there will be a loss of 2 percentage points in annual GDP growth,” explained Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The OECD estimate that the direct hit […]

Smart Cities

Lockdowns Strikes a Big Blow to Bricks-and-Mortar Retail

The UK saw the biggest drop in retail sales since records began 30-years-ago, despite record increases in grocery sales, especially alcohol. In March, US retail sales also slumped to their worst monthly decline since records began in 1982, despite record grocery retail numbers. Both these markets delayed the start of their lockdown and have not […]

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