“Digital transformation leaders will no longer view buildings merely as places to shelter employees from the elements but will use them to support heightened employee productivity and tools for business growth,” predicts Andrew Hewitt of Forrester Research. In late April, one such “digital transformation leader,” Philips Lighting, launched a new wireless connected lighting system aimed at today’s $5 billion global office lighting systems market. The Philips InterAct Office system enables building managers to reduce energy use by up to 70%, optimize operations and create a more comfortable environment without major office renovation. The system, which encompasses lamps and luminaires equipped with sensors, is installed and operated by Philips Lighting as a managed service, removing the need for customers to make upfront capital investments. This will no doubt be attractive for cash-strapped companies looking to be part of the energy efficiency movement and gain from the human benefits that smart lighting promises; health, comfort and productivity. […]