On July 19th 2024 the world experienced what has been called “the largest computer blackout in history” after 850 million failing computers took down airports, emergency services, television networks, and much more. The incident was not caused by an international criminal group or a malicious state actor, instead, however, it was just a Crowdstrike update that had been unintentionally corrupted. “For most critical infrastructure and large organizations, their tried-and-tested cyber-resilience plan undoubtedly will have been kicked into action,” said Tony Anscombe, Chief Security Evangelist at ESET. “However, the incident was likely something that no organization, however large and cyber-framework compliant, could have prepared for. It felt like an “Armageddon moment”, as evidenced by disruptions at major airports on Friday.” Crowdstrike Cyber Incident Explained Details continue to emerge about the mass outage attributed largely to an update of Crowdstrike’s Falcon Sensor software on the Windows 10 & 11 operating system. A modification to a configuration file […]