Please Join us on Tuesday 5th February 1700 CET | 1100 EST | 0800 PST for our 2nd FREE Webinar in the 2019 Smart Buildings Series, Sponsored by Haystack Connect.
The Current Status of Cyber Security in the BAS Industry. The New Deal for Buildings held a Cybersecurity Summit during AHR 2019 in Atlanta. The Summit brought together industry leaders to review the current status of cyber security in the BAS industry, discussing the impending release of BACnet/SC and other initiatives. This Webinar will recap some of the discussions.
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What We Will Be Discussing;
* This Webinar will recap some of the discussions at the New Deal Summit, and further discuss the state of cybersecurity in BAS.
* How will the industry is formulating a plan to increase the awareness of cyber security practices in the age of Facility IT.
This is a really great FREE opportunity to hear 2 genuine experts share their experience and knowledge of the Building Automation industry and the impending release of BACnet/SC!