Here is the Audio Stream from our 6th Free Webinar in the 2017 Smart Buildings Series, sponsored by Project Haystack.
Securing the Internet of Things in Smart Buildings. A Q&A Webinar with Ron Victor, CEO of IoTium. We discussed how can we Ensure Connected Devices are Protected from Cyber Attacks? How are IoTium deploying a secure approach for mass deployment of Industrial IoT.
Don’t Forget you can now Subscribe to our Webinars on Soundcloud and iTunes!

In this Q&A session with Ron, we discuss the impact of Cyber Security on Smart Buildings.
- The increased proliferation of smart devices, combined with persistent concerns over cyber attacks is helping to drive a significant increase in demand for new cyber security hardware, software and services in the market.
- What is “best practice” for securing the IoT in Buildings? What are the critical topics that building owners and operators MUST understand about Cyber Security?
- If Risks are not properly managed by stakeholders across the supply chain, we may well undermine consumer confidence in the IoT in Buildings.