We have now entered the third wave of Information Technology which will be even more profound than the previous 2; that have already changed the world over the last 50 years. Below we discuss some of the findings from our recent research into the Internet of Things in Smart Buildings – http://memoori.com/portfolio/internet-things-smart-buildings-2014-2020/ Connected products in Smart Buildings will offer a totally new set of choices of how we capture and create value from the phenomenal amount of new data they will generate. Converting this data into actionable intelligence across a whole series of seemingly unrelated services in the built environment. Theoretically they should be able to achieve this for a lower cost and provide add-on services that will reduce the building owners ROI. However to achieve this we will need to form new relationships as the industry boundaries are expanded, causing the routes to market to be redefined and contractual procedures drastically changed. These changes […]