As of April 2016 the UK Government will require all companies involved in the creation public buildings to conform with Level 2 Building Information Modelling (BIM) standards. Level 2 BIM requires much stricter, usually 3D model-based, building specifications in order to ensure superior commissioning. Buildings should function better for occupants from the outset and be easier to maintain, underpinning upgrading schedules for all of a buildings’ equipment and systems. Surrounding these major developments is the wider trend to use technology to get Building Management Systems (BMS) and Building Automation Systems (BAS) talking to each other and working more in the interests of the occupants of that building. With the advent of IoT we now have the capability to join BMS, BAS and all manner of “things” together more efficiently and cost effectively in a building, now widely known as the Building Internet of Things (BIoT). “This technology can collect data from all the sensors and […]